
Francesco Zinnamosca

He has always been fascinated by eastern philosophy and the several facets of the human mind. During his life journey he met Odaka Yoga® which he became teacher RYT500+ and part of the educational team on training. Founder of Yoga Theatre® with the actress, Odaka Yoga teacher and life partner Jessica Ugatti. Included in the Yoga Alliance International Hall of Fame.
His family’s research brought him to his first trip to India at the age of fifteen to Swami Sathya Sai Baba. He met Kadampa buddhism and the teachings of Integral Yoga of  Sri Swami Satchidananda. Life explorer and researcher, he fuses his travel experiences, free movement practice, singing techniques, actors training, his past working experiences and his passion for technology and bio-science to create courses to support the human evolution toward the spiritual liberation. 


"Past experiences help me keep an open vision over the World and remain curious about events in life.
Yoga helps me everyday use my abilities in the best way possible for a shared growth."


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Odaka Yoga certifications

ODAKA YOGA Teacher Training RYT200



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Digital artist 

My art is born from curiosity that pushes me to research, inform and study many different aspects of life and technological evolution.
They used to say: "learn a trade for a rainy day". I always keep this with me as a clever advice.

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